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Tips on How to Save Fuel

Posted Thursday, Oct 31, 2019

Author: Benjamin Rangel

Tips on getting the most out of a tank of gas


California is known for having some of the most expensive gas prices in the nation. However, in the fall and winter months, prices typically come down a bit. Not so this year with gas prices sky-high, most individuals who drive are interested in ways they can make their car more fuel-efficient so they can save as much money as possible. While there are no fuel-saving tips that will keep your car full of gas without filling up, there are some tips that can really help you save money in the long run.


  1. Start your engine and go: Newer cars no longer need to “warm-up” especially in climates like Southern California. So well, this might seem obvious to some once you start your vehicle,  drive off. Leaving the car idling for a while is a waste. Instead, only keep your car running when it is necessary. Idling a car today is equal to burning a dollar bill. NOT SMART!
  2. Don’t ride the breaks: Can you be a little over-cautious? The simple answer is: Yes, many drivers hit the break more often than is needed. Additionally, there are a majority of drivers that slow down for a breaking vehicle when they could easily switch lanes. Just recall before you switch lanes, turn on your signal indicators, look and then safely change lanes. Not riding the break can increase your fuel efficiency by up to 30%. Who wouldn't want to increase their fuel efficiency by 30%? 
  3. Turn off your Car: If you are going to be stopping for more than 7 minutes, you should switch off your car to keep fuel consumption at its peak and not burn more gas than necessary. However,  If you are only stopping for a brief moment or less than 7 minutes, then do not turn off your vehicle. The amount of gas used to start the engine up again is more than you would burn in that short amount of time.
  4. Accelerate slowly: When you start to accelerate, do so in a steady manner. Fast starts burn a lot of fuel, and most models gas mileage decline when you use this driving technique. The most efficient way is to slowly press on the gas pedal and allowing the car time to hit your desired speed. 
  5. Inflate Tires Properly: Too many drivers never give a second thought to their tires. However, having tires that are properly inflated can save fuel. Keeping the habit of checking your tire pressure regularly will make your engine more fuel-efficient and save your money. Newer cars come equipped with tire sensors; however, to achieve the most miles out of your gas tank, get in the habit of doing a pressure check yourself, do not rely on the sensors. Keep the PSI right where tire manufacturer recommends. 


While gas prices don’t seem like they will be dropping considerably over the next few months, every tip to help make your vehicle more fuel-efficient is going to help. Follow these fuel tips, and you will see that over time, your car is fuel-efficient. We hope you enjoyed our tips on how to save fuel. If you have followed all these steps and still feel you want to change contact us here at Evans Auto Brokerage, we would be happy to show you a line of fuel-efficient cars that includes hybrids and electric cars. Contact us today!

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